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Fred & Janice Myers Our condolances April 17, 2008
We had such pleasure round dancing and square dancing with the 2 of you through the years. Pat was a lovely lady! May you find strength in knowing that God's love will strengthened and comfort you no matter what challenge or change that has come into your fife. We offer our deepest sympathy. Jan and Fred Myers
Kathy (Barden) Kindred Condolence April 17, 2008
Sorry to hear about your loss, Donny.  Just know she is in a much better place.  You are in my prayers.
Mary Ann Carter Square Dancing April 17, 2008
My husband Charlie and I met Pat and Don through Square Dancing several years ago. We always enjoyed their company and especially Pat's joyful spirit. My sympathy to all of you. The Louisville, KY address will probably puzzle you but I moved here last August after Charlie had died.
Jim & Rocky Piletic Northwest Tire Center April 16, 2008
We were so sorry to read about Pat.   Many happy memories while Pat worked for and with us.  I'm still using a cheese cake receipe that she gave me, so the memories will last a long time.
Bill Hilliard My Condolences April 15, 2008

Don & Family;

  For several years whenever I saw Pat, you were always by her side. We've missed you both during her illness.  Now when I see you alone, I'll remember how much she meant to you &  how you both enjoyed  square dancing. Hope to see you at a dance soon.

She's only gone physically, but will remain in our thoughts & memories. Take care & God Bless you as you continue on alone.

Russell and Betty Ann Manock Our Deepest Sympathy April 15, 2008
We are so sorry that you have lost your wife and friend.  She was always a wonderful person to be around and enjoyed her life and whatever she was doing.  We feel honored to have had her in our square dancing life.  Although we haven't seen much of the two of you in the last few years, we did think of you at times and remember the hard times that you liked to give me about having to see a psychiatrist after dancing to my calling.  Thanks for some great memories. 
You and your family have our deepest sympathy for your loss.
Russell and Betty Ann Manock
Linda Hiltabrand Our Condolences April 15, 2008

Dear Pat's Family,


We're sorry to learn of her passing.  We always enjoyed her ready smile when we were square dancing together.


Please accept our sympathies.


Linda Hiltabrand & Nathan Miller

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